
One of the beauties of Steel Stubs is the ability to draw shapes/sections parametrically in 3D space. ie. from point to point or continuously (if you have Running checked) from point to point to point etc.

The database for Steel Stubs is chock full of standard steel shapes in their various forms, this database Sections.mdb is password protected and cant be accessed.

However if you have other shapes, solid or hollow, that you wish to draw parametrically in 3D, you can add them to a custom database, Custom.mdb. You can add hundreds of shapes to this database by simply picking a 2D lwpolyline off the screen. Once done, the shape is immediately available to draw from the menu. Obviously these shapes can be of aluminum, wood or anything. Maybe we should call the program "Everything Stubs".  Its this simple.

Draw the shape then select Add Section from the menu. The shape is then placed in the custom database and can be accessed at any time for drawing in 3D or 2D.

You draw the shape by just picking points.


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